
WHO is talking to me on Whatsapp? LINE? WeChat? Email?

Hi everyone! This is Rei Tanaka!

So I have been working for Universe Club for a few months (since December 2019 when we first opened in Singapore). However we did not have the time to write our self-introduction blogs because things were busy and we were in the + boosting sales + etc…

We currently have 3 concierge stationed here in Singapore – 

Jack Tan 💁‍♂

Rei Tanaka 💁‍♀

Riene Skye 💁‍♀


The answer to the blog title is that: we three take turns to answer to all of you, so it really depends. Lol. Sometimes you can notice a change in the style of writing but don't worry, we all know what is going on. 😆👌


Since Universe Club runs on communication between the sugar daddies, sugar babies and the concierges, we will be publishing self-introduction blogs for you guys to know us(the concierge) better.

You can read Riene's blog here! 



Some information about me…


▶ I am a big fan of the band RADWIMPS! ♫

▶ My favorite TV show is Monday Late Show (Getsuyô kara Yofukashi) 😂😂😂 


Before I started this job I thought it is so interesting. I knew what is sugar dating years ago because some gossip articles will occasionally mention how some girls are suspected to have sugar daddies because they are so young but 

We welcome anyone who comes to Universe Club to become a sugar baby or sugar daddy. It is a relationship that is decided between two consenting adults so no one sholuld be judgemental. But we understand that sugar dating is ill take time to change the public opinion. 


I strive to provide the best service to our sugar babies and sugar daddies! If you come to Universe Club Singapore Branch, I assure you that we will try our best in satisfying your requests and clear up all your queries about our service. 

I may be the youngst out of the three of us but I pride myself on learning fast ☺


Riene and I can both speak Korean.

Besides Korean, I am also good at Mandarin and English so please do not hesitate to use any of the these languages ​​to contact us! 


항상 신세를지고 있습니다.유니버스 클럽 싱가포르 지점의 다나카 레이라고합니다.

자기 소개하겠습니다.

→ 좋아하는 미술가는 더미안 허스트입니다!
→추천의 싱가포르 명물 요리라고 하면, 후추가 효과가 있는 육골차(박테이)입니다!

12월 3일에 입사해, 경험도 미숙하고 폐를 끼치는 일도 있다고 생각합니다만, 어떨지 앞으로도 잘 부탁드리겠습니다. ☆


大家好.我的名字叫 Tanaka Rei、是宇周约会俱乐部新加坡分店的一名员工。我们分店于12月3日起正式开始营业、至今已经有三个多月了。

헌상 교도적 자아 개수! ☆



虽然我才刚刚结束研修期的三个月、还有很多未经验的事情、但是我会努力为 각위 제공 最好的个性化服务.여과 유임 무엇 의혹 혹은 对俱乐部 유임 무엇 问题, 비상 欢迎您与我们联系!

우주정회 俱乐部신가파분점적 삼위 오공장 수자 为您服务~!

왕후야야 다타 지교!



레이 타나카 

Universe Club Singapore

Contact us in WhatsApp for a direct reply from our coordinator staff in the Singapore branch for how to have a sugar daddy or be a sugar baby in Universe Club.

Become a Sugar Daddy at Universe Club and meet your perfect Sugar Baby in anywhere Japan.

Be a Sugar Daddy in Universe Club

Explore your possibilities and take the next step to become the Sugar Baby in Japan at Universe Club

Be a Sugar Baby in Universe Club

이 기사의 필자

유니버스 제작부입니다.