
The Diary of Riene: 4/10/2020

Good evening~ Ah, I left everyone with quite a heavy post the last time, didn't I? But well, it's the honest truth of why I came to join Universe Club, and is a topic I've been meaning to discuss for some time! It is definitely important for me to make sure that our ladies are treated with respect and kindness, rather than like objects! If I can help even one person have a truly safe and fulfilling sugar dating life, then it makes mey already!

Well, today has been quite a refreshing day with the weather being what it is – a little rainy and breezy, while I've been at home the whole time… It's bliss~ But I'm not slacking off, okay? The weekends are usually when I get very busy at home actually, since my International HQ colleague in Japan has his days off, and I help to take care of matters over there as well! 

There are many emails to be replied to, messages from both Korean and Singaporean members to answer, so on and so forth… sometimes it feels even more hectic than a regular weekday LOL But once in a while I feel kind of jealous when I see and family going out to enjoy themselves while I'm working. Just last Sunday, my parents were going to Gardens by the Bay and asked me if I wanted to go… and I just pointed to my laptop before they remembered I had work 😭

But, I'm pretty sure I've said before that I enjoy having weekdays off as well! And it's true, owing to the fact that I get to enjoy weekday discounts if I go out, and that there's usually fewer friend has flexible schedules as well, so we get to enjoy ourselves on weekdays 😝 This week, we have plans for pancakes, and next week, we are even planning a picnic~ I think that's even better af ter

Shall I update with food pics when I'm back from my break? Heh, I'm still working tomorrow though! Maybe it could even be a date idea for our sugar daddies and babies? What a thought~ See you again

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