
The Diary of Riene – 27/8/2021

Good afternoon ~ I hope everyone is having a great Friday so far! It's been rather busy for me, so I haven't really had much time to update as much as I would like! Still, I'm glad I have enough time to do an update for everyone now!

While it has been quite slow and people are hesitant to meet these days, we are starting to see more interest and more offers as more members get vaccinated! And even if some are not yet vaccinated, or are waiting for the full dose , we still have letter dates, you know!

I'm also quite excited as there is a former member of ours who has decided to rejoin the club, and I'm sure our gentlemen who didn't get to meet her previously will be delighted that she is back! As always, we have full details on our website~ I'll be doing a reshoot for this member shortly, so don't forget to look out for some updates coming your way in just a day or two!

I've really missed taking photos, it seems like it's been way too long since I did so… Honestly I'm a little afraid I've gotten rusty, so what if the photos don't come out that good? Well, that's what I am a little scared of, but at the same time, I can't afford to let myself be this worried! I just have to do my best and strive my hardest as I always do, don't you think?

I hope to continue bringing everyone the best possible service and that we will continue to flourish! Though it has been quite a tough year and a half or so since I entered Universe Club, I'm certain that with everyone's efforts, we will forward from here~ Thank you for your support as always, and I hope to continue scheduling plenty of fun and exciting dates for all our cherished members soon!

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