
Fee Revisions From 10 January, 2023

To our valued members

Thank you always for your continued support.
This is Kida, representative of Universe Club.

We would like to inform our members of upcoming fee revisions.


The following changes will be made to our service fees effective 1/10/2023 and thereafter.
The membership fee, setting fee, renewal fee, etc., will increase by a flat rate of 10%.

Annual Membership Fee
클래스 Before revision 수정 후
표준 30,000 엔 33,000 엔
50,000 엔 55,000 엔
백금 100,000 엔 110,000 엔
BLACK 300,000 엔 330,000 엔


월 회비
클래스 Before revision 수정 후
24,000 엔 30,000 엔
BLACK 40,000 엔 45,000 엔

*We will no longer be offering STANDARD and PLATINUM monthly memberships.

갱신 비용
클래스 Before revision 수정 후
표준 20,000 엔 22,000 엔
30,000 엔 33,000 엔
백금 80,000 엔 88,000 엔
BLACK 160,000 엔 176,000 엔


Setting fee
클래스 Before revision 수정 후
표준 20,000 엔 22,000 엔
30,000 엔 33,000 엔
백금 50,000 엔 55,000 엔
BLACK 100,000 엔 110,000 엔


●Effective date

The new fees apply to date offers, membership applications, and renewals received after 12:00 pm on Tuesday, 10 January 2023.

(Example) If you send an offer on 9 January (Mon) and have a date on 13 January (Fri), the old rate will apply.

(Example) If you send an offer on 9 January (Mon) but got declined, then arrange another date on 13 January (Fri), the new rate will apply.


●Reasons for Fee Revisions

Universe Club started operations in 2012 with the current service fees.
In 2012, the consumption tax was 5%, so the main price was reduced by the amount of the consumption tax.
In 2019, when the consumption tax was raised from 8% to 10%, we considered revising the service price but decided not to do so. Instead, we wished to revise it at the right time to release new value-added services.
Three years later, we are finally on track to offer new services to our members, and we hope that you will understand the timing of the fee increase.
In addition, the pricing of our services has been complicated by the fact that it is written as “50,000 yen including tax,” which means that the main price (45,455 yen) has to be rounded down to the nearest yen.
Of course, we are also taking into consideration the future invoice system.

Universe Group does not have plans to develop less expensive services in the future.
We believe that our members are not looking for low-cost, low-quality services, but rather, would want times and experiences of high value, even if they cost more.
Of course, we understand that many of our members are very selective about whether the price is worth it, and that we will lose customers if we simply increase the price.
We will continue to strive to provide an experience worthy of our fees so that we can introduce you to wonderful women from all over Japan and the world.
We hope that you will understand our reasons regarding this fee revision.

Univese Club
Representative Kida Satoshi

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